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New Break Resources Ltd.
Mailing Address:
110 Yonge Street, Suite 1601
Toronto, ON M5C 1T4
Investor Relations:
Michael Farrant – President and CFO
Tel: 416.278.4149
E-mail: mfarrant@newbreakresources.ca
Exploration and Corporate Development:
Bill Love – CEO
Tel: 519.272.6312
E-mail: wlove@newbreakresources.ca
Legal Counsel:
Peterson McVicar LLP
110 Yonge Street, Suite 1601
Toronto, ON M5C 1T4
Dennis Peterson – Legal Counsel
Tel: 647.259.1790
E-mail: dhp@petelaw.com
Web: www.petelaw.com
McGovern Hurley LLP
251 Consumers Road, Suite 800
Toronto, ON M2J 4R3
Chris Milios - Audit Partner
Tel: 416.496.1234
E-mail: info@mcgovernhurley.com
Web: www.mcgovernhurley.com
Transfer Agent:
TSX Trust Company
100 Adelaide Street West, Suite 301
Toronto, ON M5H 4H1
Attention: Investor Services
Tel: 416.342.1091
E-mail: tsxtis@tmx.com
Web: www.tsxtrust.com